Saturday, September 5, 2015

my death sentence

I had my 36 week appointment on Wednesday.

My blood pressure was a little high (120/60... high considering I'm usually 100/50).  And my fundal height was measuring 38cm at 36 weeks (+/- 1 cm from the week you're on is okay).

But those weren't even the biggest concerns.

I was 70% effaced and dilated to a 1.

As a Thurman, we have amazingly fast labors.  Maverick came in about 3 hours.  Anna Beth delivered her first in 45 minutes and Chloe Ann delivered her fourth in 45 minutes.  It's genetic.  They're gonna come fast... ready or not!

Thankfully, Donnellyn is being super protective and careful with me (one of the many, many reasons I adore her so).  She put me on bed rest to ensure I make it to 37 weeks so I can deliver at the birthing center.  She also gave me instructions not to wait for most labor signs normal women do to call her.  The moment I think I'm in labor, we're going to head to the birthing center and labor there.  No risks!

She also checked to make sure Anchor was head down... and thankfully he is! I'm praying he stays that way.

But back to this "bed rest" thing. How is a mother of two ACTIVE boys supposed to lay on a couch 24 hours a day for 6 days?!?!? It's impossible. Even without kids, I feel like it would still be a death sentence.

Janette came to my rescue and watched the boys all day Wednesday and most of Thursday so I could just rest.  My mom came on Friday and plans to stay until Monday. She's been helping me clean, make meals, organize, and prepare for baby on top of watching the boys.  Both of them are angels to us during this time, such a blessing!

But it's exhausting laying on the couch.  My heartburn is excruciating when I lay down, so much I so that could live on TUMS and it'd still probably be bad.  My head aches from constantly being on a pillow. It's hotter than hell. And I feel so lazy laying here, when there's so much to be done before Anchor arrives!

I want to be spending my last few days/weeks as a mother of two having fun... playing games, cuddling, swimming, going places, seeing people.  Instead, I can't even pick up Maverick to put him in his highchair, change his diaper, or lay him in his crib.  Janette encouraged me that this would help transition him for when Anchor comes.  While I'm so grateful God designed it this way, my heart aches to hold my little boy a few more days. I know once Anchor comes, Maverick won't seem so little any more.  I'm mourning... how can his baby days have gone by so fast?!?!?

Joshua is being a big help, but needs to be outside - riding his bike, swimming, hiking, and playing in mud. I'm so tired of telling him "it's too hot for mommy" or "I can't lay down outside so I have to stay  inside on the couch."

I realize this is a season, and "it too shall pass."  But it's been mighty hard for me... emotionally.  I'm realizing my life is changing forever and I can't do anything to stop it.  I don't necessarily want to.  I just want to keep my baby boy, and have another, and watch them all grow up/be done with the "babies" season of our life, all at the same time.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.

I realize that can't happen.

So I'm learning to soak up every moment... from my couch.  Watching the boys wrestle and give each other hugs.  Watching Maverick sit on the couch to line up his cars and play with toys.  Having Joshua sit next to me to feel Anchor move or read books.  I hate that I'm forced to watch from the sidelines, but I know someday I'll give anything to have this back.

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