Thursday, March 31, 2016

Joshua's 5th birthday

Today my little boy is turning FIVE!  I can't believe how fast time has flown by.  It seems like just yesterday we saw him for the first time.

Then after months and months of waiting, but also seeing the Lord move in mighty ways, we got to bring him home!

It's been three years of fun and tears, joy and laughter, trial and error, pain and growth.  This adoption journey has not been anything like we thought it would be. But God has been so good and faithful through it all. He is still growing us and teaching us to be the perfect parents for Joshua.

Joshua has smiled and laughed, pushed his boundaries, learned to love, become an older brother (twice), and is continuing to learn and grow in the Lord.  He is an awesome helper, and enjoys it too. He goes to Cubbies and does such a great job memorizing verses.  He loves to tell other people the rules to obey, even though he's still learning to obey himself.  He takes such good care of Maverick and Anchor and always wants to be with mom and dad when we're around the house.  He adores his grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.  It has been so much fun doing school with him because he gets excited about everything! He has an amazing long term memory.  I love to see him try new things and make new friends.  I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for him this year.


favorite food: macaroni and cheese, strawberries, carrots

favorite drink: Dr. Pepper

favorite color:  orange

favorite thing to do:  play with motorcycles

favorite sport: (after asking "what's a sport?")  football

favorite movie: Home

what he hopes to do this year: play games at Chuck-E-Cheese

what he wants to get: spiderman remote control car, spiderman mask, and real spiderman webs

what he wants to be when he grows up: (after saying spiderman) a construction worker like daddy

my verse for him this year:  "Be strong and courageous!" Joshua 1:9

what I hope he learns: ride a bike (without training wheels); be a leader and set a good example


For his birthday, I surprised him early in the morning with a date to Starbucks!

Then his cousins are coming to spend the night tomorrow.  We plan to play at the park, eat macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets, and then go get ice cream. After that, we'll watch his favorite movie. In the morning, I'll make cinnamon rolls, fruit, and juice.

(Maverick was soooooo excited to stay up late for ice cream and a movie.)
Then the real party begins! I asked Joshua what he wanted to do... I kept emphasizing he could have anything he wanted, expecting him to be completely unrealistic. But all he wanted was a red cake, spiderman ballon, his friends, and to dress up like spiderman.  So his friends are coming over to make pizzas and have Dr. Pepper. Then we'll go see Alvin and the Chipmunks and then come back for cake and ice cream.

I love this kid like crazy and am fervently praying the Lord continues to knit our hearts together.  I plan to do date nights once a month and maybe once this year we could go on a trip.  I want him to know how special he is and how grateful I am that he made me a mommy.  God knew exactly what He was doing when He brought Joshua into our family. And I just hope to show him how awesome adoption is, because we've been adopted into God's family.  It's been a rough road, but my prayers are that this year would be a turning point and that my relationship with Joshua will never be the same, for the better!

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