Sunday, August 2, 2015

let the homeschool journey begin

I don't know why but the moment we found out we were having a boy, something inside me became very clear. I had been on the fence about homeschooling and now I knew it was what I needed to do. "The world needs more godly men," several friends told me after hearing we were having *another* boy.  It's true, and God has given us three arrows to raise according to His word. (Psalm 127:4)

With this conviction, I strongly feel I need to keep them home with me, using every opportunity to teach them of God's love, how to know Him, and grow in Him.

I've spent the last few weeks researching curriculum knowing they are still young and that Anchor is coming soon and life will be different for a few months following his arrival.  I've decided on Before Five In a Row.  I plan to use it until Joshua is in 2nd grade and then I'll switch to Konos.  These are curriculums my mother-in-law used while raising her boys. I've always been so impressed with her vast knowledge, their ability to think critically, and their lifelong love for learning.  Kenny says the curriculum instilled these things in him.  I'm so beyond grateful for his support and encouragement. I can't imagine tackling the homeschooling journey alone.

So... in researching, planning, and preparing to start Before Five In a Row, I found this post from Delightful Learning.  She encourages moms to document their homeschooling journey.

"Cultivate a good {homeschool} life and record it."

Part of cultivating a good {homeschool} life is:

1. spending more time with my children: enjoying reading, learning together, and building Godly character

2. training up a child according to his bent (based on The Treasure Tree)... teaching to each child's individual learning style and personality strengths

3. having time to enjoy life: vacations, field trips, friends, good weather, etc.

I'm posting this now to try and hold myself accountable for documenting this year (and Lord willing many more to come).

This 2015-2016 school year will look a little different with Anchor arriving in September.  By the time I adjust and we enjoy the holidays it will be January.  But there's still plenty of life to take pictures of and enjoy between now and then... Anchor's birth, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas (especially advent) and New Years.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon wisely says there is a season for everything.  I'm still learning to be content in the season I'm in and not wishing it away while longing for the next.  I've longed to homeschool, to have kids to homeschool, to choose a curriculum and plan and implement.  That time will come soon enough. My prayer is to enjoy my little ones now... giving them lots of love and attention.

And may this blog document that exactly.  I mean how do you say no to these two hams:

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