It's funny how God works and the different seasons He takes us through. I've definitely been in the desert the last few years, and maybe I still am. But I'm trying to find my out.
It's through Him alone.
But, thankfully, He uses so many things to teach us and draw Him to Himself.
This year I've found myself more angry and shut down than ever. I'm just plain mad at how my life has unfolded. I know so many truths... He is good, He won't give me more than I can handle, He uses everything for good, He loves me unconditionally. But reality is I've let myself focus on the emotional upsets of life (homeschooling, adoption, family drama, the chaos of this world, etc.) instead of clinging to these truths.
Lamentations 3:21-22 says "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end." We can CHOOSE to call to mind that which gives us hope.
key word: CHOOSE. It's a choice. One I have to fight to make daily.
I'm reading "Reclaim Compassion" and the authors explain when parents become worn out [exhausted, withdrawn, apathetic] from doing tasks [mundane, fruitless work], it's often because they've deleted [cut out, quit doing] the fun and enjoyable things in their life.
I'm guilty of focusing on the negative and being a glass half-empty person. It's easy for me to get caught up in all that's wrong, instead of on the beautiful blessings He freely and generously gives.
So I've made a list of Fifty Points of Joy and plan to do 7-8 a day. And keeping up with this blog is one of them!! So here's to many more posts and choosing joy!