(see why we chose to homeschool here)
the name: Arrow Academy
founded: January 2016
current grades: Joshua - 3rd grade, Maverick - K, Anchor - pre-K
goal: give my boys a lifelong love for learning
founded: January 2016
current grades: Joshua - 3rd grade, Maverick - K, Anchor - pre-K
goal: give my boys a lifelong love for learning
Two Year Old - ABC Jesus Loves Me online curriculum - "The two year old curriculum focuses on themes with corresponding Bible stories. Bible stories are supported with memory verses, songs, and finger plays, poems or nursery rhymes. Academically, a 2-year-old is introduced to colors, shapes, counting to 10, and saying letters. The child is also taught self-care and manners along with personal information. A 'Book of the Week' introduces the child to some of the best preschool books in print according to our ABCJLM users and our family."
*I chose this curriculum for Maverick based on what he knew according to the "which curriculum to use" assessment on the ABCJLM website.
Before Five in a Row - This curriculum was recommended to me by both my sister and mother-in-law. At first glance (before even having children), I didn't really care for it and stuck it on a bookshelf. Years later, I was having trouble deciding what to do with Joshua and my mother-in-law mentioned this again. She said it's what taught her to incorporate learning throughout the day and in every thing. It's also what has given her boys a lifelong love for learning. This is exactly what I was looking for so I dug deeper and fell in love. It's fantastic! I used it in 2016 with Joshua, who was 4 (turning 5) and supplemented with worksheets. In 2017-2018, I used it with Maverick who would be turning 4 and kept it easy and fun. I will be using this for the last time 😠with Anchor during the 2020-2021 school year.
- Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina
- Ask Mr. Bear by Marjorie Flack
- If Jesus Came to My House by Joan Thomas
- Prayer For a Child by Rachel Field
- The Red Carpet by Rex Parkin
- Corduroy by Don Freeman
- Katy No-Pocket by Emma Payne
- The ABC Bunny by Wanda Gag
- We're Going on a Bear Hunt
- Snowy Day
- Jenny's Surprise Summer
- The Carrot Seed
- The Runaway Bunny
- Goodnight Moon
- The Little Rabbit
- I Am an Artist
- Play With Me
- The Quiet Way Home
- Yellow Ball
- My Blue Boat
- Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey
- Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? by Nancy White Carlstrom
- The Big Green Pocketbook by Candice Ransom
- Angus Lost by Marjorie Flack
My Father's World - After researching a lot of kindergarten curriculums, I have finally settled on My Father's World. I love how it's Bible based, focuses on creation, incorporates Charlotte Mason methods, and is a boxed curriculum. I'm learning that to be a successful homeschool family it is important to find a curriculum that fits BOTH the child and the mom. I need a boxed set with a manual of what to do daily, but Joshua needs a hands on experience with lots of play and outside time mixed in. As a reading teacher, I believe in their approach and have found great success with it!
First Grade
I use My Father's World for first grade. However, I supplement the math. MFW has a very basic, easy introduction to math. But I wanted my boys to have a stronger foundation. With Joshua, I tried Math-U-See, Math Mammoth, Math Lessons for a Living Education, and finally Saxon. MLFLE was a gentle and fun curriculum that related math to everyday life. But I felt like it lacked in covering all that math encompasses. With Saxon, it's spiral based (so they are constantly reviewing) and it covered more than math facts (ex. word problems, patters, calendar, critical thinking, etc)
I also read a few literature books to Joshua as well, since he was first. I found the bold titles from Sonlight's Language Arts curriculum and Honey for a Child's Heart (which is included in MFW).
My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett
The Story of Dr. Dolittle by Hugh Lofting
In Grandma's Attic by Arleta Richardson
The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater
Capyboppy by Bill Peet
Here's a Penny by Carolyn Haywood
Billy and Blaze by C.W. Anderson
As my other boys move through first grade and beyond, I will have read-alouds for everyone to enjoy, varying in levels of genre/difficulty so they are exposed to a wide variety.
Joshua (fourth grade):
Saxon 5/4
First Language Lessons
Writing With Ease
All About Spelling (levels 2-3)
Story of the World - volume 1 w/ tests
Science/Art - classes @ Landmark Prep
Maverick (kindergarten):
Saxon 1
MFW 1st grade
Story of the World - volume 1 w/out tests (listening to CD just for fun)
Science/Art - classes @ Landmark Prep
Anchor (preK-5):
BFIAR (see above)
Math Lessons for a Living Education level 1
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