In our finite minds that can only see the present, we decided it was time to sell our home since the housing economy was a seller's market. We planned to move into a rent house while we built a home on our lot in Forest Hills. So in early June we put our house on the market. It sold within two weeks!
Around that same time, husband came home asking if I wanted to move to Highland Village. My immediate answer was absolutely not! Hands down, NO! However, I knew in my spirit that I was too quick to answer and that I should've gone before the Lord first.
Mr. Wright is a steady man with deep, deep roots. He is not easily emotionally swayed and often fully thinks through decisions before asking my opinion. This time was no different. He and his business partner bought a home in Highland Village, the day after our house sold. Mr. Wright's thought process was this: if we lived in that home for at least two years, we would 1) avoid paying capital gains; 2) be putting our money toward a principal instead of down the drain; and 3) live closer to his work which makes perfect sense as I am now a stay-at-home-mom.
My selfish reason for saying no so quickly was because I knew this also meant we could not build on our lot. As I went before the Lord, He graciously began to show me my husband's wisdom in moving to Highland Village and filled my heart with peace. I told husband I was wrong and that I was willing to move if he thought it was best for us. Within hours, my mind was spinning with all of the positives about this move:
- it would be completely remodeled
- it has a HUGE backyard
- it was closer to friends that homeschool, have two boys (one adopted)
- it was closer to shops and restaurants
- it was closer to my family
- it was closer to my Bible study, our home group, and Awanas for Joshua
- it was closer to our birthing center
I quickly became excited over a house I had never seen and felt immensely blessed by my decision to submit. The last two months have been a whirlwind: packing up the old house, remodeling the new house, staying with friends while remodel is completed. And we are still in the midst of it.
But one thing I know for sure is His ways are truly higher! Proverbs 16:9 reminds us:
"The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."
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