Sunday, September 20, 2015

he's finally here!

On September 9 we welcomed our final arrow to the family.  He came as fast as one and our lives are forever changed!

I survived bed rest and on Tuesday morning (the beginning of my 37th week of pregnancy) I woke up with energy and a desire to get things done so that I'd officially be ready for Anchor whenever he came.

I put together his crib and organized his room, finished packing my birthing center bag, cleaned straightened house, and got a pedicure - the most important part!  Far from bed rest, it was an active day even though I thought I wasn't doing much.

I woke up Wednesday morning at 3:00 after feeling a really strong kick my water break! I immediately stood up, not wanting to flood my bed.  BAD IDEA!  Now it was trickling down my legs onto the carpet! I waddled to the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

"I'm NOT ready for this!" I said to myself.

I had Kenny text Donnellyn that my water broke. She asked if contractions had started, and I honestly didn't know.  I was having strong period-like cramps but they weren't like Braxton Hicks... I thought baby contractions were supposed to be more like Braxton Hicks... WRONG!

I hadn't showered since Sunday and I was disgusted at the thought of my unshaved armpits.  So in-between contractions, which was only about 1-2 minutes, I shaved my arms!

Twenty minutes later I figured it would be safer to assume these were labor contractions rather than waiting to find out.  I told my midwife and she said to go ahead and come in.

Kenny already had the boys loaded up.  At 3:30 I walked to the truck, through the sprinkling rain, again thinking, "I'm not ready for this!"

I was now finding it difficult to breathe through contractions.  I was taking short, shallow breaths, and squeezing Kenny's hand tighter than I ever have.

We arrived at the birthing center at 3:44.  Donnellyn took me to the exam room to check me and listen to the heartbeat since I had not felt him move since my water broke.  I told her I needed to pee. (Looking back, I'm so embarrassed by my crass language!)  She told me I could once she checked me.  I replied with "I can't do this!" and then "I really need to poop!"  (Again with the crass language.)  She walked me to the toilet but as soon as I sat down I realized I wasn't needing to go to the bathroom, I need to push... NOW!

I told her that as she's running around trying to get supplies together. Kenny had already started filling up the tub (PRAISE THE LORD)!

I started to step in and my body just started pushing! I briefly felt the "ring of fire" and knew I needed to just sit down.  Once I hit the water, his head popped out. Donnellyn kept telling me to turn around so she could see but everything was happening so fast. I was still thinking "I'm not ready for this" and how all I wanted was a chance to catch my breath.

I heard Donnellyn tell Kenny to grab a towel...

I barely got turned around and my body pushed again...

Donnellyn told Kenny to forget the towel and come catch his baby!

He was here!  Born at 3:57AM... 13 minutes after we arrived at the birthing center. SO CRAZY FAST!  She put this black headed, purple baby, still covered in vernix on my chest.

My first thoughts were, "he's purple... he's not mine... I'm not ready for this... what just happened!?!?"

Donnellyn (who didn't even have time to get her gloves on) assured me he was fine and I heard him cry.  Such a relief!  And what a whirlwind of a birth.

One hour ago, I was asleep in bed... now I have our baby boy in my arms! What!?!?

He's perfect though.  Hairy.  But perfect.

7 pounds, 10 ounces, 19 inches of cuteness.

Melissa made it about 2 minutes after he was born, and Chloe Ann came shortly after that.  I'm bummed they weren't there for the actual birth, but so thankful we made it!  I knew it would be fast, but had no idea it'd be that fast. 

student midwives: Blair and Irene

Janette brought the boys up to meet their new brother, and they were instantly in love! Such a sweet moment. (I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a family pic of us on the bed...)

They've been hugging and loving on Anchor ever since.  I can't wait to see them grow up together. 

I'm beyond blessed by how God worked out the details and gave me yet another awesome birth story to tell.  He is so good to us!  

I can't imagine having my babies anywhere else but with Donnellyn at AAB.  I love her warmth, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and encouraging personality. She just exudes peace and any fears I have leave when she enters the room.  The presence of God rests heavily on her and I'm so grateful the Lord saw fit to cross our paths so many years ago.  I'm dreading my 6 week postpartum appointment... as it will be my last. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

my death sentence

I had my 36 week appointment on Wednesday.

My blood pressure was a little high (120/60... high considering I'm usually 100/50).  And my fundal height was measuring 38cm at 36 weeks (+/- 1 cm from the week you're on is okay).

But those weren't even the biggest concerns.

I was 70% effaced and dilated to a 1.

As a Thurman, we have amazingly fast labors.  Maverick came in about 3 hours.  Anna Beth delivered her first in 45 minutes and Chloe Ann delivered her fourth in 45 minutes.  It's genetic.  They're gonna come fast... ready or not!

Thankfully, Donnellyn is being super protective and careful with me (one of the many, many reasons I adore her so).  She put me on bed rest to ensure I make it to 37 weeks so I can deliver at the birthing center.  She also gave me instructions not to wait for most labor signs normal women do to call her.  The moment I think I'm in labor, we're going to head to the birthing center and labor there.  No risks!

She also checked to make sure Anchor was head down... and thankfully he is! I'm praying he stays that way.

But back to this "bed rest" thing. How is a mother of two ACTIVE boys supposed to lay on a couch 24 hours a day for 6 days?!?!? It's impossible. Even without kids, I feel like it would still be a death sentence.

Janette came to my rescue and watched the boys all day Wednesday and most of Thursday so I could just rest.  My mom came on Friday and plans to stay until Monday. She's been helping me clean, make meals, organize, and prepare for baby on top of watching the boys.  Both of them are angels to us during this time, such a blessing!

But it's exhausting laying on the couch.  My heartburn is excruciating when I lay down, so much I so that could live on TUMS and it'd still probably be bad.  My head aches from constantly being on a pillow. It's hotter than hell. And I feel so lazy laying here, when there's so much to be done before Anchor arrives!

I want to be spending my last few days/weeks as a mother of two having fun... playing games, cuddling, swimming, going places, seeing people.  Instead, I can't even pick up Maverick to put him in his highchair, change his diaper, or lay him in his crib.  Janette encouraged me that this would help transition him for when Anchor comes.  While I'm so grateful God designed it this way, my heart aches to hold my little boy a few more days. I know once Anchor comes, Maverick won't seem so little any more.  I'm mourning... how can his baby days have gone by so fast?!?!?

Joshua is being a big help, but needs to be outside - riding his bike, swimming, hiking, and playing in mud. I'm so tired of telling him "it's too hot for mommy" or "I can't lay down outside so I have to stay  inside on the couch."

I realize this is a season, and "it too shall pass."  But it's been mighty hard for me... emotionally.  I'm realizing my life is changing forever and I can't do anything to stop it.  I don't necessarily want to.  I just want to keep my baby boy, and have another, and watch them all grow up/be done with the "babies" season of our life, all at the same time.  I want to have my cake and eat it too.

I realize that can't happen.

So I'm learning to soak up every moment... from my couch.  Watching the boys wrestle and give each other hugs.  Watching Maverick sit on the couch to line up his cars and play with toys.  Having Joshua sit next to me to feel Anchor move or read books.  I hate that I'm forced to watch from the sidelines, but I know someday I'll give anything to have this back.

Monday, August 31, 2015

clean eating experiment: day 1

(Read about Kenny and Sarah Jane's clean eating experiment here.)


Kenny had just finished working out and had a Shakeology.

I had a whole wheat waffle with peanut butter and strawberries. *I added maple syrup since I'm not counting calories.  I also had a glass of raw cow's milk instead of the skim/almond milk they suggest.

It was good, definitely not as satisfying as buttermilk waffles and pancake syrup with a glass of chocolate milk. =)


I topped some arugula with tomato, mozzarella, olive oil and balsamic vinegar and had a side of crackers. The book suggested 5-10 crackers, I had 15.

This was also good. Changes I'll make next time:  buy better mozzarella (aka not the Great Value brand). Use spring lettuce or mix with arugula. The arugula by itself was just too strong.


Ingredients:  arugula (I also added in spring mix), chicken, mandarin orange (recipe called for grapefruit), goat cheese, walnuts, raspberry vinaigrette

I'm not usually a fan of salads... unless someone else makes them. For some reason, I just don't have the magic touch. Even if I put it in a pretty strawberry bowl.  This was good, but not the most amazing salad I've ever had, though it was probably healthier.

Unfortunately, it didn't sit well with me and it all came back up.  I haven't thrown up since my morning sickness stopped around 13 weeks. So I don't know if this was pregnancy related or what. But I was STARVING as soon as I finished and Whataburger popped into my head. I caved, loaded the kids up and had a burger and fries.

Because Kenny was out driving around, I packed his salad this morning before he left.  He said it was good, he didn't come home raving about it! But he ate it all, so that's a plus.


Surprisingly I was hungry around 3:30 and decided to make my snack.  I heated up a piece of whole wheat pita bread (the recipe called for a small 4" piece, but mine was definitely double that size).  Then I topped it with ricotta cheese, fresh peach slices and cinnamon.  The recipe called for slivered almonds but I couldn't find mine! ARGH!  I know they would've added a yummy crunch!

This was really good, I could definitely eat it often. It was almost like dessert... I felt guilty eating it.

Kenny had an apple.

It probably wasn't the best idea to try this out in my 35th week of pregnancy. I'm starving and don't know if it's because I'me eating less, but still okay... or if I truly need to be eating more.  I don't want to starve Anchor!

The prep work wasn't bad at all. I haven't been in kitchen all day like I thought I would be.

The food wasn't that bad.  Different, yes. But I'm sure it just takes some getting used to.

I did enjoy buying fresh fruit/vegetables and I felt much better after eating. I didn't feel guilty or have to give myself the "you should start eating better" talk. That's always a plus. ;)

I guess today was 75% successful. Hoping tomorrow is 100%! Though it'll be difficult between Bible study and eating out with friends. Only time will tell.

Kenny and Sarah Jane's Clean Eating Experiment

Eating healthy *consistently* has always been a struggle for Kenny and me.  We can manage a day or two, maybe a week but it's never been a lifestyle change. 

I desperately want it to be so.

I want to set a good example for our boys. I want to honor God by keeping our bodies as temples for the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)  They can't function effectively if we continue feeding them junk food and an occasional baby carrot or two.  I want to feel good because I've fed my body nutritious food. And I want to offset our chances for cancer or autoimmune diseases by what I eat. I know that God is sovereign and that I could nothing but salads and organic chicken every day for the rest of my life and still die from cancer.  But if He has given us a desire to change our eating habits, why ignore Him?

Because junk food is cheap.

Junk food lasts forever.

Junk food tastes amazing.

Junk food is easy to make.

Junk food fills me up.

I could go on and on.  

So far, it's been my experience that eating clean takes a lot of prep work, trips to multiple grocery stores, multiple times a week because fruits/vegetables go bad so quickly.  It takes an insane amount of self-control and discipline on a daily basis but especially out in public or at friends' houses. 


Junk food makes me feel like crap and clean eating gives me energy!  I despise the way my body feels and looks after eating junk food and love how I look after eating clean, even if it's only been a few days.  And knowing it's what the Lord has called us to do makes it all the more important.  

And we know we "can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength."  

So last night I made a meal plan and grocery list and we began what I'm calling: 

Kenny and Sarah Jane's Clean Eating Experiment

My goal is to find out: 

Exactly how much prep work will this require?  
How expensive will our grocery bills be?  
How many stores will I have to shop at?
How will the food taste?
Will we get sick of eating the same things over and over again?
Can we eat everything I buy before it goes bad?
What steps do I (as wife, mom, and homemaker) need to take to make this a lifestyle change?
How can I make this more doable for Kenny while he's on the road at work?
How will the kids handle it?
How will we handle eating in public or with friends?
Will I be able to manage this with two kids and a newborn while homeschooling?

I plan to do the experiment for a week, reassess & and make necessary changes, and then do another round before making conclusions.  I also hope to post pictures of our meals and post frequently on how things are going... mainly so I have a journal of how I felt each day along the way. 

So here's the meal plan (recipes from Les Mills PUMP Get Lean Nutrition Guide).  This week I'm focusing on breakfast, lunch, and snacks.  I plan to add dinners next week. Obviously, being 35 weeks pregnant, my goal is not to "get lean" right now and I'm not doing the workouts.  I'm definitely  making a few modifications that I'll note.

This week's plan required me to shop at:
Walmart ($83.61)
Whole Foods ($38.05)
Kroger ($73.00)

*I bought a few household items not on meal plan at Walmart and Kroger so that's why it they're so high.

This is definitely keeping my mind off being due in a few short weeks and giving me something to do while I prop my feet up and take it easy.  I'm really hoping and praying I can find a groove that works for our family because eating clean AND working out will really help me lose all this baby weight starting in January.  And Kenny and I both want to be beach ready for our 10 year anniversary trip to Costa Rica next summer! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

warrior wednesday

What we've been up to the last few weeks of summer...  It's still really hot and I haven't wanted to push it by doing to much. I've got to make it to 37 weeks to deliver at the birthing center. So we play inside and pretty much only get out for groceries or church.  I'm so ready for fall!!

playing with our laptops while mom works on hers (planning for school)

playing outside in early morning before it gets too hot, but it was already too hot for mom so she watched from inside

Joshua found a toad!

we are learning to eat with a spoon but make a BIG mess!

early morning snuggles with dad... until he gets up to get ready for work

nothin like brother hugs!

We are ALL so ready to meet Anchor! Joshua is already taking his "big brother" role very seriously. And Maverick pats my belly and says "baby" every chance he gets.  We are still searching for the family car and slowly putting his room together. He'll be here soon!! Can't wait to add his pics to Warrior Wednesday!

Friday, August 14, 2015

tenth anniversary

Yesterday we celebrated our tenth anniversary!  I can't believe how fast time has gone by and I love that I have more memories with Kenny than I do without him.  I know I believed we'd have kids by this point, but there was no way of knowing how God would give them to us. It's been such an incredible journey (hard but so worth it) and I can't to see how He unfolds the next ten years of our lives.  I know no matter what happens, we'll walk through it together as best friends.

Being 33 weeks pregnant, our options were pretty limited. But Kenny booked us a night at the Omni Hotel in Dallas.

We dropped the boys off with Janette around 10 on Thursday morning.  Of course we had to start things off with a trip to Starbucks and then I got a pedicure while Kenny got the car washed and ran some errands. After that we drove to a dealership to look at Yukons. They didn't have what we were looking for in stock and were kind of pricey.  I love it when salesman try to pull the wool over Kenny's eyes... there's NO fooling him!  He's done his research!

So we headed to the hotel early and sat out by the pool while they finished preparing our room.

We walked into a gorgeous room, with a great view, and lots of romance... roses, chocolates, chocolate covered strawberries, and champagne! It was SOOOO special!

I gave Kenny his present, a sign from Magnolia Market that says "grow old along with me, the best is yet to be..."  He really liked it and it's a miracle I waited so long to give it to him... I've had it in the house since May and usually my impulsivity gets the best of me!

Then we headed out for lunch at Taco Diner and to see if I could find a gold ring at Kendra Scott. (my fingers are so swollen I can't wear mine and I've been wanting a gold "wedding ring" to wear with my gold jewelry).  Unfortunately, the smallest size they carry is a five... way too big!

So we went back and spent more time by the pool.  My braxton hicks contractions started coming really close together (like 5-10 mins apart) for over half an hour.  I texted my midwife and she reminded me to drink LOOOOOTS of water.  Crazy how being dehydrated causes all kinds of problems. I'm thankful they stopped... I didn't want this night ruined.

We went to dinner at Texas Spice, a restaurant in the Omni.  We enjoyed their buffet... salad, main entree, and dessert.  Surprisingly, it was all really good!  We especially liked the ham mac and cheese, fingerling potatoes, fresh veggies/salad, and cake pops.  Most of the food at the restaurant is from local sources and all of it was very fresh. We could definitely taste the difference.

After dinner, we walked over to take pictures by Pegasus, but they didn't turn out.  We at least got a picture of the view. It was really pretty!

We went back out to the pool and Kenny sat in the hot tub. There was a nice breeze and it was so relaxing! When we got back to our room, it was arranged romantically again and just reminded us of how special this night was.

We woke up at our usual time, 6:30am, but it was nice to lay in bed an extra hour and not have to get the kids up and fed. We went back to Texas Spice for a breakfast buffet that was just as good as dinner... fruit, eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls and coffee cake, and hash brown casserole. 

Crazy to believe that we could sit outside in August in Texas! But it was a really nice morning... there was a breeze and it was only 78.  We went to the pool one last time and I put my feet in the hot tub.  I'm definitely looking forward to sitting in one again!

We packed up and headed for the GMC dealership... this time to actually test drive the Yukon XL.  BIG MISTAKE! I'm soooooo in love! It was so incredibly hard to contain my excitement. It's a beautiful car and has so many features that will make my life as a mom of 3 young boys so much easier.  I love:
  • bucket seats in second row
  • two DVD players
  • push to start, heated steering wheel, heated/cooled seats (luxuries Kenny has been enjoying)
  • technology to help me change lanes and alerts me if I'm about to hit something
  • turning radius is great!
  • back up camera will be really helpful when parking
  • seats fold down with push of a button
  • motion sensor to open back hatch, and I can open/close it from front seat
It's so hard to wait now that I know what's coming. But Kenny says "good things come to those who wait."  We'll see if that's true... I'll definitely write about it when we get it! 

To finish it off, we went to see The Man From U.N.C.L.E. at the new Moviehouse and Eatery in Flower Mound. They have recliners so even at 33 weeks I could be comfortable. 

I enjoyed every minute with Kenny and am so grateful for the 24 hours away to celebrate and reminisce. But I really missed my boys. Grandmommy took good care of them. They went to the library and the circus!  It's comforting to know they were in good hands and having a great time.  But this momma was still counting the hours until we could pick them up.

We hope to go somewhere special next year, maybe Costa Rica, to celebrate our "tenth" in a big way!  But for now, at 33 weeks pregnant, this was just perfect.  

Thank you mi amor for a wonderful, perfect anniversary celebration.  I love you more and more every day.  I'm so thankful and blessed to do life with you. Thanks for choosing me!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

pregnancy update: week 33

how far along:  33 weeks... no I can't believe it!

baby size: spaghetti squash (18 inches, 4 lbs)

maternity clothes: yes and can.not.wait to be back in skinny clothes!

sleep: yes, but becoming harder with all the heartburn and getting up to go to the bathroom... I have a hard time falling back asleep

best moment of the week:  the most amazing shower ever!! I've cleaned out Maverick's room and ready to transition into Anchor's nursery!

movement: yes, but not as strong... he's running out of room

food cravings: not really... just need to not eat so much

what I miss: wearing my wedding ring! I was able to wear it the whole time with Maverick so I don't know if this is summer/heat swelling or what, but I definitely miss wearing my ring.

what I'm looking forward to: getting his room ready and meeting him!!!!

pregnancy symptoms: continued pain under rib, heartburn, swelling... the usual... oh and warts! tons of tiny annoying ones on the inside of my hands/fingers... really weird!

stretch marks: a few... trying to lotion like crazy!

belly button: flat

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Anchor's baby shower

I am truly blessed with some wonderful friends, family, and life group.  Last night, some girls from our life group gave me a shower for Anchor.  Because he's our third and another boy, I was leery of even having yet another shower.  There was already a bad taste in my mouth from my previous showers for Joshua and Maverick (for one, they were just so close together, but another reason was that a friend went to A LOT of trouble to throw us a shower and NO ONE showed up or RSVP'd for that matter... extremely humiliating and frustrating).  We had everything we needed as far as clothing and baby gear is concerned. At the time, I had no plans to change the decor in his room.  (Since then, I've decided to throw out the pooh and decorate with anchors/whales and use more gray/blue instead of brown/green.)

I talked with Kenny and agreed to let them since they offered and we did need diapers/wipes.  I told them I just wanted to keep it small and celebrate life and not worry about gift registries, etc.

A friend recently gave me some maternity clothes and I found this gem of a dress! I was so glad it was blue and this was the perfect occasion for it!

They had it Grimaldi's Pizzeria in Grapevine.  Everything was decorated SOOOO cute.  Small and intimate... it was truly perfect! We were all able to sit at one table. We ordered pizza and played a game where you had to guess the children's book that certain quotes came from.  I collect children's books but didn't remember telling the host that... a tiny detail she remembered from when we had talked about homeschool curriculums... and it made the night so special.

mom won! 

Our life group leader made s'mores cupcakes... another FAVORITE of mine that I had not shared with her! They were! AMAZING!! Toasted marshmallow on top, moist chocolate cupcake, graham cracker crust... melted in my mouth! I'll definitely be ordering some more from her soon.

We got lots of diapers, wipes, and Target gift cards which will be so handy! My mom and sisters gave us a Snap N Go stroller... an absolute necessity!! Nicole made an awesome wall hanging with three arrows and Janette gave us a pillow with anchors on it.  The host gave us another wall hanging... and oddly enough, the colors all coordinate beautifully!

I couldn't stop talking about the evening to Kenny... it was such a blessing and healed my heart after my previous experiences with showers.  I've been thinking a lot about friendships lately and what makes a good friend vs. an acquaintance. I don't know why the Lord brings friends in and out of our lives for certain seasons, but He does.  I haven't been able to keep a friend for more than about five years.  I don't know yet if it's me or them... but I'm praying for a best friend that can stand by me no matter what and who's willing to invest as much into the friendship as I am.  I'm tired of being burned.

I'm now so eager to get Anchor's room ready, his clothes in the drawers, his initials and hangings on the wall, etc.  He'll be here soon!!!  I can't wait to meet him.

I was dead set that this one was a girl. But oh how sweet the Lord has been to me... teaching me that His ways are truly higher, that Anchor is exactly what He wants for our family. He gave us the perfect name.  And my love for him just grows deeper and deeper every day!