I just deleted my Facebook account.
After much delay and procrastination and whining and excuses and pleading with the Lord to keep it.
I've been pondering His request for two weeks.
Yet my mind has been continually flooded with all the reasons to delete it.
1. It's a major waste of time.
2. It breeds discontentment in my life.
3. It doesn't stir my affections for the Lord.
4. It's not a form of worship.
5. It causes me to focus on all the things I don't have and creates unhealthy desires for materialistic things.
6. I think I "need" it to keep up with all the "friends" in my life. But reality is, I regularly see/text/talk to my true friends and don't "need" Facebook to keep up with them.
7. It's worldly... of this world and not of God.
I've started going through Priscilla Shirer's Bible Study on Gideon. She talked about how God told the Israelites to completely destroy (devoting EVERYTHING to destruction) the Amalekites. But they disobeyed, sparing the king and best of the livestock. They only devoted what was worthless/useless to destruction.
She then asked "Is there anything God is leading you to completely 'annihilate' in your life that may once have been healthy but is now unhealthy?" Facebook immediately entered my mind, along with the few reasons why I wanted to keep it. I'm part of the Stone Soup Group (a group of like-minded women who delivered babies with Donnellyn), and Against the Grain Co-op, and R Group (our Gateway life group)!! I feared losing my resources to ask questions about raising kids, ordering food from the co-op, and hearing about prayer requests or events from our life group. Of course the enemy would love for me to think giving up Facebook means losing all social connections. But it's such a lie!
God has placed good, close friends in my life that I respect and can ask parenting questions. I can always do my own research and ask the Lord to show me how He would have me raise our kids or treat them when they're sick. I'm friends with the owner of the food co-op and could easily text her if the need ever arose. And we attend our life group weekly where I hear the prayer requests and upcoming events.
My fears were all unsubstantial.
I found this verse on fear:
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." John 14:27
Stepping out in faith and completely "annihilating" Facebook was an act of obedience. And in return, the Lord has given me His peace... His beautiful, perfect peace. The "peace" I thought I had from friends or groups on Facebook pales in comparison to the peace that only comes from the Living God.
Knowing how good and faithful He is, I'm eager to see all the blessings that come from this simple act of obedience.
**PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME: Facebook in and of itself is not the enemy. But the enemy has used it my life for destruction. Deleting my account is what God asked me to do. I'm not saying it's what everyone else should do. I just encourage you to seek the Lord's will if you feel it could be robbing you of His joy and peace.
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