Tuesday, July 14, 2015

pregnancy update: week 29

how far along:  29 weeks

baby size: butternut squash (15 inches, 2.5 lbs)

maternity clothes: yes, even had to buy some new shirts to cover my big belly!

sleep: yes, but becoming harder with all the heartburn!!

best moment of the week: I heard his strong heartbeat yesterday.  My friends are planning a baby shower so it was fun picking out some new items for his nursery.

movement: oh my, yes yes and yes! I keep trying to video it but the stinker knows every time I turn on the camera.

food cravings: anything I see on a  commercial, still carbs/sweets but I'm trying to do better!

what I miss: having more energy, I feel like an 80 year old!

what I'm looking forward to: meeting Anchor, holding him, and nursing him! Yes, I know I have a long way to go. And I want him to stay in there as long as possible. But I am very ready to meet him!

pregnancy symptoms: major pain under my right rib, heartburn like crazy, stuffy/bloody nose, sometimes round ligament pain
*my hemoglobin was a little low (9.5 and they like it to be around 11-12)  I need to be more consistent about taking my chlorophyll and I'm starting NingXia Red.

stretch marks: not yet!

belly button: still an innie but getting very flat

***I have been SUPER stressed with all that's going on and I was planning to have a horrible appointment today! I figured my midwife would put me on bedrest and be concerned about the protein levels in my urine, high blood pressure, and excessive weight gain.  BUT GOD!!! He is so much bigger than my stress. He knew what I'd be dealing with while being pregnant, He's not surprised by this, and is completely taking care of me!  My blood pressure was 98/50!! My urine was "perfect" and I've only gained 5 pounds... not quite the 1lb/week goal, but not the dreaded 2lbs/week either. My midwife laughed and said "you might have an extra pound to lose but we know you can birth babies... breeched, head up, head down, sideways... you will get them out!"  I'm so thankful for the Lord's provision... and how in my weakness, HE is strong!

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