That night he was up several times, burning hot! The next morning I took his temperature and it was around 103. I realize that's not super high, but it's the highest fever Maverick has ever had. All he did was lay around and sleep. I couldn't get him to drink or eat much. Around lunch time his eyes started to glaze over and I knew he must feel horrible. I gave him another dose of Tylenol, but was trying not to bring the fever down too much as I know it fights infection. I put him in a bath with apple cider vinegar and my poor buddy just looked at me like he wanted to die. Miserable for both of us. Throughout the day, I boosted his immune system with elderberry syrup, a wellness formula, and Thieves. While natural healing isn't quick, I know it's so much better for their immune systems.
We had plans to go to Babe's with the Merrimans for dinner so I called a sitter. I felt horrible leaving my sweet, sick boy but I knew all he'd do is sleep.
On Friday, his fever was still high (staying between 102-104) but he had no other symptoms. Everything inside of me was screaming to call the doctor. But logically, I knew there wasn't much a doctor could do. I didn't want him on antibiotics and if it was a virus, it just has to run its course. He continued to sleep a lot and it was work to get him to eat and drink. He'd eat two eggs for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, and oatmeal for dinner.
By Friday evening, I was starting to get worried that I could not get his fever to break. I told Kenny to pick up some ibuprofen. We gave it to Maverick around 5:30 and within twenty minutes he was a different kid! He was running around, smiling, talking, and eating!! Talk about mommy guilt... I had been giving him the wrong medicine!!! At least he had some relief and I got my buddy back.
Saturday he woke up with a much lower fever, only 100-101. He continued to snuggle and sleep a lot, but seemed a little more interactive when he was awake. He would try to play but after a few minutes, he'd crawl back up on the couch.
On Sunday morning, the fever was completely gone but his belly was covered in a rash! My poor buddy just couldn't catch a break!! The rash didn't seem to bother him, but he continued to sleep a lot.
This morning his rash had spread all over his body. I researched a little, and from what I can tell this horrible virus is called roseola. The rash is a reaction to his high fever that lasted so long. It's supposed to go away in 2-3 days so I'm
I miss my happy little buddy who's always smiling and playing peek-a-boo. I miss him eating and drinking all day long. I miss his smiles and hugs... snuggles from a burning hot, sick little baby just aren't the same (though they are still so sweet). I miss hearing his laugh and the stories he tries so hard to tell us.
I hope roseola packs up and goes home soon. He was never welcome in the first place.
Still, I'm thankful we serve a healing God who cares more about my little one than I could ever dream of. I'm thankful for natural remedies. I'm beyond grateful that I'm able to stay at home with my boys and don't have the added stress of missing work or finding someone else to take care of them and nurse them back to health. I'm thankful for Kenny's support to treat our boys naturally first, but if/when needed, he's also supportive of seeing a doctor.
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