At the beginning of this year, I made some goals with an actual intention of keeping them. This is how it's going:
1. spend time in the Word daily - Unfortunately, this hasn't happened at all. I am reading through Dangerous Duty of Delight with Melissa, but that's not the same as spending time in His Word, listening to Him, and seeking what He has for me and our family. So Kenny and I hope to start getting up around 6 or 6:30 to read our Bibles and pray together. We've discussed reading through Romans since we are studying it in our homegroup. I also plan to start the Busy Mamas Bible Study on Psalm 22. And I just need to start praying more... for Kenny, our boys, our family, our friends, our country. The list could go on and on. I plan to keep an ongoing list of prayers in my phone so whenever the opportunity presents itself, I will have a plan and be able to focus my time wisely.
2. be up before kids - This has been difficult as our sleep has been more interrupted lately. Joshua has started waking up screaming again. We ask him what's wrong and he has no idea. I think it's either night terrors or spiritual warfare. We play Scripture Lullabies in his room all night and I'm trying to remember to pray over them and their room before bed. But I'm often so exhausted at the end of the day that my good intentions seem to disappear. But regardless of how much sleep we get, I need to be up before them. Hopefully goal #1 will help in this area.
3. keep house clean and welcoming - I think a schedule will help in this area. But I need to make one and think about it more... in all my spare time.
4. homeschool Joshua - This has been going very well! I just need my kids to stay healthy and we could get more accomplished. I'm loving our curriculum and Joshua's enthusiasm for it as well. It's been great fun so far!
5. spend time with each child individually every day - Yup, need to work on this too. Why can't I clone myself!?!?
6. establish bedtime routine - We were doing pretty good with this. I've slacked the last few weeks, but it should be pretty easy to resume. This has been a good reminder!
7. make four homemade meals per week - Lately I've been very convicted about my eating habits. Food has definitely been an emotional release and I'll even say it's become an idol. The Lord has shown me He created food to give our bodies (our temple - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) fuel and energy so we can accomplish His will. It's not supposed to replace seeking Him when our lives become stressful and difficult. Yet, that's what I've been doing. So I started Whole 30 today!!! I won't be eating sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy, or processed foods for 30, yes thirty, days! It's required a lot of meal planning and shopping but I'm pretty excited about it. Eating Whole 30 also means I will be making ALL of my meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner... no eating out, no cheat meals, no shortcuts. I also know it's going to be tough... and I figure it will be like drug withdrawals. The first few days/weeks will be the worst. But eventually my body will be so much healthier, my habits changed, my mom pooch gone (hopefully), and I'll be free from my sugar addiction! I'm eager to see my results!!!
8. exercise three times a week - I started out exercising every day... that lasted two weeks! I'm hoping to start walking more (with the boys!!) and to keep working out as well. I just feel so much better when I do. It's time consuming and I don't want it becoming a higher priority than spending time with God, so I've got to figure out how to fit it into my day.
I feel like so many areas of my life need a drastic change and ASAP. I know that all of this can't be fixed tomorrow. Lord, show me the areas that are most important and need attention now. Show me how to structure my day so that I can be most glorifying to You. I want to be a vessel fit for Your use.
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