Wednesday, March 30, 2016

warrior wednesday

Life has been crazy busy lately, and unfortunately I've had to take a break from homeschooling. Not because homeschooling is hard, but because Anchor has been a pretty difficult baby. He spits up a ton and cries if he's not being held. I honestly don't know how the third child can be so demanding.

So we're taking a break from our work because I also figure it's going to be a pretty hot summer and we might as well be inside, in the AC, doing school. That way I'm not pressured to finish by the end of May, we can spend more time outdoors since the weather has been phenomenal, and it will also give Anchor more time to grow out of this fussy-can't-stop-spitting-up phase. It's a win-win-win situation!

So here's what we've been up to:

practicing cartwheels (we signed Joshua up for gymnastics in January)
making mud pies
learning how to make our bed 
eating goldfish 
riding bikes/cars

playing in the sprinklers

I'm embracing my newish role as boymom! It means lots of mud, baths, roughhousing, sound effects, bumps, and bruises... but also a whole lot of love, hugs, and kisses! Joshua even brought me flowers!! I love how boys take care of their mommies. I'm blessed beyond measure with my three!

Little Anchor is trying so hard to sit up... it's such hard work!! He either falls forward or turns his leg and goes sideways. He is gaining weight though! At his six month check up he weighed 15lbs! WAHOO!!!!

We've also learned to take "silly face" photos, and now it's hard for mom to get us smiling nicely!

Dad has been working like crazy so we really soak up our time with him on the weekends. 

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